LEGEND: The PATRIOT Who Got Biden To Say “LETS GO BRANDON! Jared Schmeck has been getting harassed with death threats from the Left for saying “Let’s Go Brandon” on a phone call with Joe Biden. Let’s do something nice and give him a break from the hateful Left. GiveSendGo.com/Jared Sign up for The Benny Newsletter: https://www.bennyjohnson.com/newsletter-signup Follow Benny on All of His Channels: https://www.bennyjohnson.com/socials Are you sick of the establishment corporate media manipulating the truth in America? We are. The Benny Show is 100% INDEPENDENT and your source for breaking news and raw commentary. Benny Johnson is an award-winning storyteller who hits back in the culture wars. Benny has spent his entire life working at the center of the bare-knuckles brawl for the future of America and has the scars to prove it. Benny delivers cutting, behind-the-scenes insight into the global conflict for freedom in our time.